Tuesday, May 15, 2007

comments from the 2007 Eurovision contest

synthorium (3 minutes ago)
111bosanac fala vam za 12 bodova haha
ako je ova pesma losa kakva je onda mogla bit bosanska?!
mislim da nije bila bas dobro plasirana :)

(7 minutes ago)
And also in the end she is doing smth strange. Look all back vokal is holding her. Like she has problem with stomach and can't make shit.
Really i liked this song but after watching whi is singing it . i got frustrated

DonJuan93 (8 minutes ago)
I am profesor of music in Texas and this song is OK.

archigabe (13 minutes ago)
Yes, I agree...mediocre song,mediocre voice...Magdi Ruzsa was the real talent!

(14 minutes ago)
hate serbs

(28 minutes ago)
Ticket to Helsinki - 500 Eur...
Ticket to the eurovision - 100 Eur...
Serbian winn - Albanian jaelousy - Priceless!!!
There are some things money cant buy!
For other theres MasterCard!

Karta za Helsinke - 500 Eur...
Karta za Evroviziju - 100 Eur...
Pobeda Srbije-Siptari se pojedose - Neprecenljivo!!!
neke stvari se nemogu kupiti novcem!
za sve ostalo je tu MasterCard!

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